
Sunday, October 2, 2011

How To Deal

When in not expected situation you received a call and the one who’s on the line speaking to you is your boss. But your boss’ tone is in for a certain issue and wanted to argue will you remain calm?
This was the exact scenario I got in last time. But how much patience will you give if that person keeps on nagging you?
There are words spoken which really hurts me entirely. And the next thing I know…I hang-up on my boss’ phone call.
Confrontation came-in after and words like…”How dare you!” which was repeated several times we’re the only lines uttered unto me. And the next thing I’ve notice…my boss also did the same thing on me.
But you know what? I don’t know but deep inside my heart I felt that what I did is just right.
I believe in the power of communication. But if you are going to abuse the used of it for your power tripping then the best thing to do is to end it.
Come to think of it… when we do something and never use any words but only showed a certain gesture that is indeed another way of communicating. Much more if and when you say something in high pitch.
If the only reason you accept all the things your boss is telling you because you love and never wanted to lose your job, you’re not doing it right.
Communication is a two way process, meaning to say it should not be your boss voice should be heard all the time. If you allow this thing to happen most of the times, the next thing you know you’re one of those stupid person. And I strongly believe you never wanted that thing to happen on you.
After the intensity of your argument decreases then that’s the time you have to do something about it. Talk to your boss. And if you tried and again your boss blocks you from explaining goes without saying that you’re not anymore making a healthy working relationship with your boss. Leave and look for other jobs.
This is what we have to remember, “respect is entitled to everyone”. You do not have to say hey respect me! It should be there all the time in any kind of relationships. Because if this one word “respect “went out of our system how can we achieved harmony.

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