
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Let's talk about sweets: Themed Halloween Baked Goodies

We are very happy that this very month unfolds...thus I am referring to the month of "November," which celebrates "Halloween!"

With that we are very inspired and came up with "Themed Halloween," baked goodies.

We devoted time for the research, much of our inspiration on coming up with all of these came from famous designs available on the internet.

Of course, we wanted to come up with our very own designs, but since time is of essence here...making existing designs is also a perfect decision to do.

We begin with our Halloween themed cupcakes...


It has two small pumpkins (these are made of fondant cake, a little gummy).
The tombstone is made up of buttercream icing.
While, the dirt like on top of the icing is made up of crashed Oreo Cookie.


From the first, "Spooky RIP Cupcake," comes our very own...
"Spooky BOO Cupcake!"

The pumpkin is made up of a fondant cake...a little gummy when eaten.
The creepy tree branch is from a pure chocolate.
While the tombstone, with the word written "Boo," is an Oreo Cookie.
And what makes it more spooky is the grass like icing that covers our chocolate flavored cupcake.


Presenting..."Witch Hat Cupcake."

To make this possible, we used two of our all-time dessert favorites...
One, Oreo Cookie.
Two, real Kisses!

But we are not contented with all of these designs...the very reason why we came up with more,
but this time playing up with our "Cookie!"


This particular design of our cookie was far from our regular "Chocolate Chip Cookie."
Obviously, the inspiration came from what we most fear a crawling spider..."Spidey Cookie!"

This one has real mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cup that will surely attracts people who has sweet cravings!


Definitely its not Mike from "monster Inc,"...obviously because it has several eyes.
It's our "Alien Cookie," from our Halloween Themed baked goodies!


And, our Scary but Yummy...Mr. Pumpkin Cookie!

We are now preparing for another special occasion, and we believe that there are so much designs to do to keep you hooked with us.

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