
Thursday, April 30, 2015

A cancer stick

The government never miss out on using all forms of vehicles of communications to remind people that cigarette smoking is hazardous to one's health. But somehow, the government also never ban companies selling cigarettes. Of course, you know why. Why? Simply because tobacco industry here is making a lot of money and taxes that government collected out of it...helps our economy.
The reason why cigar can be found anywhere and can be purchase by anyone who wish to try and try over and over again.
I believe that most of us are aware of it's effect on our health...but why o why it sells like hotcakes.
Factors that could be attributed to this's primarily cheap, secondly, it's available everywhere. And by peers and out of curiosity are a living testimony that giving a try is a must and also one great experience.
But most smokers, never understood that not most people love their air being polluted by a cigar. Whether it is a first, second or third hand smoking...the bottomline is it's still a treat to human's health.
To name a few, a frequent users may incur, lung and blood cancer, while cervical cancers for ladies. Entirely bad for pregnant woman and for the newborn.
Nowadays, air is the only thing that doesn't require payment or we can use for free.
Stop before your health totally suffers and also think of other's welfare as well.

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